Een ode aan mijn inspiraties en fascinaties

An ode to my inspirations and fascinations 2021

Alexandra Loembé, March 2021

“To make what is self-evident in our world special”, that is exactly what I am doing now. I am writing this article, in which I bring my inspirations and momentary fascinations to light, as a snapshot or sketch in the now. Bringing out my inner self, sharing what intrigues me in life or naming what I am made out of as a whole. Nothing more than endless thoughts in which I always return to the beginning. Writing without purpose, except from the purpose of writing itself. The process towards embodiment or tangibility yields an anchor. By bringing it out into the world I make it graspable. Whether I follow my intuition, or look, feel, smell, taste, listen to my heart, my senses, emotions or gut feeling, I don't know. I also think that I am not concerned with the answer, with the last sentence of this article, but more with the overall translation of my translation of the world around me. The world that I experience through my body.


I find myself to be in cycles, which is why I dare to use the word “infinite” without negative connotations. Circles in my thoughts, or the transition from winter to spring that keeps coming back. Sometimes I'm in the middle of it for a while and I feel the need to step back onto the edge, to rewind to what brought me here. It is because of this that I have the confidence that large and small things will go the way they go and that the energy I put into something will shine its light back on me. At the same time, the spaces between the leaves of trees appeal to my curiosity, where the sun's rays can still shine through. Along the way I trust my kinesthesia along with all my other senses, that allow me to experience interaction, to flow with waves and curves and to dare to play with balance.

Your oh so heavy head is only a part of your entire body and therefore weighs just as much, no more and no less. I can do nothing but follow what feels “right” in my body. Daring to jump into the deep can also feel “good”. The words "right" and "wrong" actually carry too much meaning for me, but for now I’ll give words to that throbbing feeling that may be deep in my heart or is raging through my whole body. I am a river. In my movements as infinite transitions, or because I flow past rocks with my experiences as fellow travelers. These images give me inspiration, as do the constant energy source of the sun and the repeated births of seeds that turn into flowers, that turn into fruit.


I think I am as sensitive to movement as to stagnation. I think I move from and with my eclectic self. I enjoy making associations, with which a certain given phenomenon becomes richer with every step as it comes closer to an essence with every step. An essence, or a simple form, as it already exists within ourselves, or outside in the world we have in common as human beings. I search for the embodiment, the translation into the physical, making it physical, being able to perceive it with the senses and it is that search itself that I grasp from the moment in all its inexhaustibility. To openly receive, process and radiate. For me, we who this through being vulnerable. Vulnerability sounds like there is a risk of danger, so even now I feel the need to keep searching for words in the dark. An exciting acceptance, awakening, stimulating, to facilitate a new experience, in which you have no choice but to open up and surrender to the moment.


It all sounds pretty serious, while it's nothing more than a game. Like a child who discovers life while running, screaming, snacking, dreaming and dancing. Sometimes we play alone, sometimes we play together, sometimes we play alone and sometimes we play alone together. Not having to choose, that's exactly what I'm doing right now. With my body on the earth and in the world.

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