The senses

Working with the senses

In her ongoing process of exploring, developing and defining her holistic approach, Alexandra Loembé started to incorporate instruments in he practices. Being in the experimental phase, Alexandra is playing with and using different instruments to enhance the sensorial experience.


Through our senses we get to experience and interact with so many beautiful things in this world. I value re-experiencing and appreciating that what may seem self-evident to you and connecting to nature while doing so.


Alexandra Loembé now uses several shakers and the kalimba, accompanied with nature sounds and different types of (rhythmical) music. With several practices she has also experimented with the hang drum.

Alexandra Loembé's translation: 

  • Touch - awareness/sensitivity of the skin, the inside and outside environment. The relationship with your physical body.
  • Hearing - musicality, focus and responsiveness. Working with stimulating sounds and the (emotional) relation to it.
  • Sight –  exploring the role of the eyes, giving direction and grounding in the moment.
  • Smell - usage of breath, dynamics, circular flow and stamina.
  • Taste – movement qualities, muscle tension, pleasure, imagination and emotions. Giving different colors to your movement.
  • Inner processes - intuition, proprioception and balance.
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